Knowledge Hub

Category: Video Drama

How involving a video company early will add value to your production

We take pride in designing video solutions that are cost-effective...

The Value of Video in Learning

“It’s not the medium, it’s what you do with it.”...

The Case for Video Drama in Learning

People can’t absorb information effortlessly, it takes hard work and...

Dramatic Storytelling

As part of my drive to share the tools of...

Can a video drama impact behaviour change in an organisation?

Behaviour change is really the end goal for L&D professionals....

How to avoid boredom by committee – Drama script reviews

“You’re making some dramatized video for learning. The script you’ve...

Goodies and Baddies – Drama doesn’t have to be black and white

When we say a drama needs to be based on...

Cake: Why Drama is Good for Learning

  Stories take impersonal facts and give them meaning. While...

Why Drama for Learning?

Relax and watch the TV Why does Eastenders have more...

Character in Real Drama for Learning

In this blog, we will be looking at how characters...


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Transforming the way your staff learn through the power of video
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